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PokeDetector, the app that tells you what Pokemon there are close and where are

It is clear that one of the objectives in Pokémon GO is to capture Pokemon, well because we don’t have them either because we have them and want to improve them. Whatever it is, find the Pokémon that we want exactly is not easy. But with apps like PokeDetector everything is much simpler. Tells us what Pokemon there are close and where they are, so we can locate them on a map.


Have that be constantly with the smartphone on when walk by the street to be alert of them Pokemon that appear not is nothing simple, addition to, and this is it more relevant, consumes a lot battery of our phone smart. And all that at the end are almost always the same Pokemon that appear when we are walking down the street. It’s not easy to find rare Pokemon and find those missing us.

With PokeDetector everything is much more easy. It only that have that do is activate the application, that is runs in second flat, and this we will send a notification when has a Pokemon near. What’s more, not only send a notification to the smartphone, but it tells us exactly the time during which the Pokemon you can capture, until it disappears.


The best, however, that is not, is that it acts like a radar, taking double the capacity that we have in the game. I.e., it is able to cover a greater range of surface. And it tells us the exact location on the map of each of the Pokemon, so the only thing we have to do is go there and wait for it to appear. It is remarkably easy to use. In theory it uses the API of Pokémon GO, so there should be no problems using this application. In any case, as it is not associated to your account, nor is there possibility of bans.

The app is free, but if we also pay for a premium version, you can select which Pokemon want to appear in the notifications and what Pokemon do not. Consumes the battery, although significantly less than lead Pokémon GO running at all times. By the way, and this could be great, if you have a smart watch with Android Wear, also here will receive notices of the Pokémon nearby.

Article PokeDetector, the app that tells you what Pokemon there are close and where are published in AndroidAyuda.

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