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Benchmarks, unreliable analysis tools

In his time them benchmarks us could have result useful for determine the level that has a smartphone and of that form to compare them different phones mobile at the time of choose between one or another. Today, the benchmark are unreliable, not to say that they are nearly useless.

Falsification of benchmarks

One of the reasons that the benchmarks are useless is how relatively easy it is to falsify them. Let us note that benchmarks analyze mobile, get data in the and stored them in a generally public database. But we can manually modify the data of your mobile phone to make this look like another. Not is complex make that a benchmark creates be analyzing a Samsung Galaxy S8 when is comes from a Samsung Galaxy S7. In this way, the benchmarks become unhelpful even to get an idea of what could come in the future with respect to some smartphones. But the situation still goes beyond.

Benchmarks with data not real

In addition, we also have benchmarks with no real data. This what? Not is it same that it earlier, not us refer to change data in the smartphone to to the analyze it the benchmark us give some results concrete. To what us mean is to us gives results that not is correspond with the reality of the smartphone because the mobile is scheduled to act of a form in concrete when is running a benchmark. Today, many mobile are able to recognize that this is a benchmark that is running and act in a different way, to a higher level. In this way, the data that exist are not actual data in what refers to be able to compare two phones, we cannot know if really these data displayed correspond to what tells us the reality.

Perhaps a Xiaomi at concrete details are similar to a Samsung, but then the actual performance of the two smartphones is different.

USB Type-C

The benchmarks are “objective” but that is not useful

In the latter case, you should talk about the benchmarks themselves. The human being has sought to analyze objectively the different smartphones and computers to try to determine which is better and which is worse simply because of its technical characteristics and not by the opinion of the users have. For example, in a subjective manner it is easy anyone saying that a Mac is better than a Windows or vice versa, but what is the reality? Supposedly only a benchmark could be objective, isn’t it?

The big problem we found is that a mobile phone or a computer, are much more than performance that they can offer when required the maximum. Sometimes you have to see how they respond under normal use, to run the camera, when you try to open an app. It is even possible that we want the computer or mobile for a particular purpose, for an app in particular, and with this mobile not work well for some reason.

It curious in this case is that it more useful are the views subjective, the opinion of users related to us, that let us know that le van to give the same use, or similar to the mobile. Or at least tell them we use that will give to that based on this we can determine whether the opinion that is giving us is objective or subjective. Thus, benchmarks, today, are useless. With the amount of videos and opinions about mobile that we can find on the Internet, it doesn’t make sense to resort to benchmark, but rather resort to people who have the same mobile and opinion have over it.

The benchmarks, unreliable analysis tools article was published in AndroidAyuda.

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