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Pollen Control, the app that helps you overcome the spring allergy

Spring has arrived and with it, the spring allergy. Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes… Pollen is the enemy of millions of people and, with the arrival of spring, the battle between the two, begins. The smartphone can be an ally in this war with the help of relevant applications. One of them is, for example, pollen Control. It is an application that allows you to track pollen levels in a given area and thus avoid an unexpected allergy attack. In addition, the application allows reporting, perform a history and even send it to the doctor.

To begin to combat the pollen from the mobile phone, application ask for personal data about you and about your allergies. “Once completed the report, every day, pollen Control will ask you three questions:” How are you?, “Today you have taken any medication?” and “what symptoms you have”. So you know how you are every day and make a report of your evolution that later become a personalized history.

You can download the custom history to see your evolution either to consult with a qualified physician. Another option is to send the follow-up report to specialized physician or pharmacist with a call sign tracking code which can be requested from the application page. Upon request, specialist will mail the report with the data of monitoring of allergy with press of a button within the application and without having to print the report or move to the query.

App que controla los niveles de polinización

Pollen Control is also thought to be recommended by doctors, who may carry out a better follow-up of allergic patients and be daily informed about possible crisis or allergy attacks. Just go to the section on “I am a doctor” on the web page of the application to request a tracking code.

Check pollen levels

You will not only see how improvements or how you are every day regarding your allergy but that you can avoid places that make you feel worse since pollen Control has predictions of the Committee of aerobiology of the Spanish society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , and will allow you to check the levels of pollen in a particular place, if you want to change the plan on Sunday to avoid a spring allergy attack.

The app has been updated during the month of March and, as explained in his description of Google Play, the latest version has a total of 22 pollens different detected among those who are, for example, grasses, the palms or Urticaceas, among others.

WP-Appbox: POLLEN CONTROL (Free, Google Play) →

The application, developed by Almirall and sponsored by Rino-Ebastel medication, is completely free and is available for any Android phone with a higher version to Android 4.1.

The article pollen Control, the app that helps you overcome the spring allergy was published in AndroidAyuda.

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