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How to install Lineage OS step on any Android

Lineage I is the Custom ROM that comes to relieve to CyanogenMod, and therefore, aspires to convert are in an of the more relevant of the panorama Android current. Therefore, that we now explain how to install Lineage OS step on any Android mobile.

To take into account

Before beginning this process you must take into account several things. You’ll completely reformat your smartphone, so you will lose everything in the memory of your smart phone. In addition, you must take into account more, and Lineage OS, although it is available in an official version, it is not yet a definitive, final and stable version, but that is a Nightly version, which will be updated every week and getting improvements, solving problems, but that it may have defects still. If you want that your smartphone is fully functional and does not have any errors, perhaps you should consider if you really want install now OS Lineage, because they will still take some time to get the final versions.

Lineage OS

What do you need?

Three things you need to install OS Lineage. The first of them is having a menu Recovery installed in your smartphone, for thus to install from this the new image of the system operating. ClockworkMod Recovery can be, or can be TWRP. However, it should be a recovery other than bringing the smartphone originally.

Second, you need that there is an official version of Lineage OS for your smart phone. Obviously, you will have to download that file with .img format, and store it in the memory of your smartphone, so that later you can quickly locate the Recovery menu from your phone.

Finally, remember downloads Google Apps for your smartphone to be able to install after OS Lineage.

Install OS Lineage

Copy OS Lineage on your mobile: once you have Lineage OS downloaded to your computer, transfer it to the memory of your smartphone. You will need to be in the memory of your mobile phone to install.

Reboot in Recovery mode: below, you will have to go to the Recovery mode on your mobile. If you had to restart your smart phone, or even to install own Recovery, probably already know more than enough how to access it. Whatever it is, you can find easily on the Internet how to access the Recovery menu. Remember that this depends on each mobile, so it varies from a smartphone to another.

Wipe Caché: up next is to perform an erasure of memory cache to free space on the phone and that all processes can run correctly. When you launch this process, yet you’ve not deleted anything in the mobile, and still have go back and stay with your previous firmware options. To do this, search the Recovery menu the Wipe Cache option.

Wipe Data: then we will erase all the data and software that exist in the mobile. Here that you will lose all your data. When you do a Wipe Data, you’re really leaving mobile in factory condition, so it will be the same as when bought you it. Still not have changed the firmware of your phone smart. To run this, of equal form have to search the option Wipe Data.

Installs Lineage I: now going to spend to install Lineage I, for what that there will be that have more patience. Basically because the mobile is going to spend to install a new firmware on the former, and to delete the previous system operating by the new. Ten in has that you must have enough battery, as if this process is interrupted, your mobile could become unusable. Is important that you are aware of that in this process your mobile must be capable of complete the procedure. There will be options of recovering it if faults, but not always is possible. What important is that does not fail. For this, sees to Install from zip, and choose the file that you copied to the memory of your mobile.

This process will take more time, so you need to have patience.

Install the Google Apps: just as you’ve done with Lineage OS, go to Install from zip and install Google Apps that you’ve been able to download from OpenGapps, for example, as explained here.

Finally, you will have to restart your smartphone, and remember something, and is that when restart the phone after installing a new version of firmware, this will soon ignite. Don’t worry if it takes a few minutes, you will be installing and running processes.

With this, you should already have Lineage OS installed on your mobile. From now on, you can root your mobile or not rootearlo, as does directly included in the firmware of the smartphone.

The article how install Lineage OS step on any Android was published in AndroidAyuda.

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