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Google search also shows you the lyrics of the songs

The power of the Google searches is undeniable. Since this service is available for free have been added functionalities and options so that users are always (or almost always) what they want to locate. And, now, what has to do with the music, that is one of the senior entertainment most usual when e is from one place to another. We tell you what the new added.

Specifically, what is has known is that the searches of Google added the possibility of search the lyrics of the songs . So, if are listening to an of which not remember well what is says (regardless of the language), simply with make the question to the service-both by the web as from them devices Android-this shows by full all what is sings. So simple… and at the same time complicated.

This is now possible for two fundamental reasons. The first is that Google searches has the necessary algorithms to understand that what you want to know is the lyrics of a song, something which to date was not especially defined since the results were broader than the expected. This, by the way, has a positive impact on Google Home, since benefited when carrying out their duties of Assistant can also be seen.

Logotipo de Google

Second reason

And this is the more important: dispose of a database the powerful enough to respond to the needs of the users. And, in this occasion, the company of Mountain View has decided establish an agreement of collaboration with LyricFind, an of the best options that already in Internet to find lyrics of songs. By the way, that licenses are both for the U.S. and for international use.

Auriculares en un teclado

The use of the new service of Google searches has already begun in some regions, and the deployment in the remains will be done gradually. Spain is among the countries chosen for this new possibility, which additionally results shows a link to the store of the Mountain View company to buy the track in question. A new option that truth, can put an end to more than one discussion among friends to know who is best remember what is said in a song.

The article Google searches show you also the lyrics of the songs was published in AndroidAyuda.

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